Full-time instructor, Department: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

Job Title: Full-time instructor Department: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


Nationality: Thai or others
Degree: Ph.D. or Ed.D. in TESOL, TEFL, Curriculum and Instruction, Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, or related field

    • Teaching Experience: Have a minimum of 2- year experience in teaching English, TESOL, or TEFL at a university level.
    • Academic Publication: At least one piece of academic publication in a Thai peer-reviewed journal that has at least 3 peer reviewers or in an international journal listed in SCOPUS, ERIC, or Web of Science.
    • English Language Proficiency: For non-native speakers: C1 or equivalent


    • Teaching MA and Ph.D. in TESOL
    • Teaching on Certificate in TESOL (once a year with extra payment)
    • Supervising student Dissertation, Thesis, and Independent Study if qualified
    • Participating in Departmental and University activities

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