Bachelor of Arts
Thai for Communication for Foreigners
เป็นหลักสูตรที่บูรณาการเนื้อหาด้านภาษาและวัฒนธรรม โดยเน้นการใช้ภาษาไทยเป็นเครื่องมือในการสื่อสารและสามารถนำไปใช้ได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ มุ่งสร้างจิตสำนึกด้านคุณธรรม จริยธรรม ตลอดจนสร้างเสริมความสัมพันธ์อันดีงามในสังคมที่มีความหลากหลายทางวัฒนธรรม
Bachelor of Arts in Thai for Communication for Foreigners
B.A. (Thai for Communication for Foreigners)
“Learn the Thai language, communicate effectively, and apply it in professional settings.”
Received curriculum approval on February 11, 2023.
Notified of curriculum approval by Office of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation on August 30, 2023.
- Program structure
- Program Learning Outcomes
- What will students study each year?
- Admission criteria
- Professions/Careers after Graduation
Program structure (Total 123 credits)
- General Education Courses 24 credits
- Major Courses 93 credits
2.1 Major Required Courses 63 credits
2.2 Major Elective Courses and/or Minor Courses 30 credits - Free Elective Courses 6 credits
Program Learning Outcomes: At the end of the program, our graduates will be able to:
1. use basic skills in Thai for communication, professional endeavors, and lifelong learning.
2. explain the culture and values in Thai society and living according to contexts in a multicultural society.
3. analyze knowledge of the Thai language and culture and apply it in various situations.
4. creatively apply their Thai language and culture knowledge to personal development and community service, guided by the Truth-Service Principle.
5. effectively research, present, and communicate using appropriate technology while adhering to ethical principles.
6. collaborate effectively as leaders or team players, respecting rights, accepting differences, and solving problems.
Year 1: Intermediate listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in the Thai language for effective communication in various social contexts within Thai society. Courses are such as TF101 ELEMENTARY LISTENING AND SPEAKING, TF102 ELEMENTARY READING AND WRITING, TF103 INTERMEDIATE LISTENING AND SPEAKING, and TF104 INTERMEDIATE READING AND WRITING.
Year 2: A higher level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the Thai language to comprehend, analyze, convey, and express ideas appropriately. Knowledge of Thai customs and culture through courses such as TF201 ADVANCED LISTENING AND SPEAKING, TF202 ADVANCED READING AND WRITING, TF282 TRADITION AND FESTIVALS IN THAILAND, and TF252 THAI DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT WITH COMPUTER PROGRAMS.
Year 3: Skills in translation and advanced communication, with the ability to apply their knowledge in professional Thai language communication experiences for foreigners. Major elective courses according to student interests, such as Thai language for business and teaching Thai to foreigners. Courses offered include TF391 PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP IN THAI FOR FOREIGNERS, TF351 TRANSLATION 1, TF362 THAI LANGUAGE FOR TOURISM BUSINESS, and TF371 BASICS OF TEACHING THAI TO FOREIGNERS.
Year 4: Integrating knowledge in the Thai language and related disciplines for academic and professional work. Students will choose one from these two study plans:
Plan 1: Courses-Focused Plan (for those aiming for academic and professional Thai language studies)
Plan 2: Cooperative Education Plan (for those seeking practical work experience in business settings)
- Be a Non-Thai Citizen
- Have completed secondary education or its equivalent OR
- Have obtained a vocational certificate or equivalent or a higher education diploma.
- Translator
- Business negotiator
- International Business and Entrepreneurship
- Business owner
- International relations staff
- Service workers in the travel industry
- Teacher
Total expenses
For the entire 4-year course or 8 semesters:
1st Year 1st Semester = 46,050 Baht
2nd Semester = 44,600 Baht
2nd – 4th Year An average of 48,XXX Baht
Total (4 years) 385,150 Baht
Opportunities for our students
- Internships and visits to interesting local entrepreneurs and organizations to develop professional knowledge.
- Educational trips to Thai cultural tourist sites.
- Practicing Thai language skills with native speakers through the program's academic service activities.
- Developing information technology skills through a variety of IT activities.

ผศ.ดร.ปิ่นอนงค์ อำปะละ
ปร.ด. ภาษาศาสตร์

อ.เสาวนีย์ ดำรงโรจน์สกุล
ศษ.ม. การสอนภาษาไทย

อ.อัจฉราภรณ์ จันทร์สว่าง
ศศ.ม. ภาษาและวรรณกรรมล้านนา

อ.สิริวิทย์ สุขกันต์
อ.ม. ภาษาไทย

อ.เกียรติสุดา บุญส่ง
ศษ.ม. เทคโนโลยีทางการศึกษา

อ.สุภา พูนผล
ศศ.ม. วรรณคดีไทย
Tel. 053 851 478 – 86, 053 241 255 Ext. 473, 475
E-mail: thai_pyu@payap.ac.th
Facebook: Thai PYU